tingle, tangle, bingle, bangle glimpses

A tingle, a tangle, A rainbow in the sky.
Dancing purple poppies laugh at pink clouds way up high.

A bingle, a bangle, A white bird amidst the blue.
Green grass, verdant, shining, drenched with nature's morning dew.

A fingle, a fangle, A tall tree etched in gray,
Silhouetted in the distance on this foggy, silvery day.

A single, a sangle, A billowing ship sets sail,
'Neath a yellow moon so bright, the little stars turn pale.

A tingle, a bingle, Scarlet berries on a vine.
Ruby roping, intermingling with the greening intertwine.

A tangle, a bangle, A glittering sun of royal gold.
Bringing life to dusty shadows interspersed along the road.

A fingle, a single, Burbling brooks cascade along their way,
Winding on rocky pathways, singing splash songs to the day.

A fangle, a sangle, Blue-gray mountains, firmly set in stone.
Sentinels of Earth, this planet we call our home.