
Shine, shine, shine.  Let your light so shine,
For in the shining's intertwining with the heart divine.
And in the gleaming is the dreaming of a new species seeming,
To radiate and mediate
In peace, only peace.

Fear, fear fear.  Let it go, let it go.
For in the release of the fear you will know it is so,
That it cannot exist in the glow of love's light,
Nor can the sun shine and the day be called night.
For in the light is the bright of,
Peace, only peace.

So you choose; yes, you choose, it's all up to you.
Fear or love is your choice in all that you do.
In your power, you shine with the choice, or you don't
It's all up to you if you will or you won't.
It is fear you will lose . . . if you choose...
Peace, only peace.